In Proverbs 5, 6:23-35, and 7 the Father warns his son and all God's people against unfaithfulness to God and unfaithfulness within marriage.
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In Proverbs 5, 6:23-35, and 7 the Father warns his son and all God's people against unfaithfulness to God and unfaithfulness within marriage.
Proverbs 9 presents the reader with 2 metaphorical “women” to follow. One woman is wisdom and the other is folly. In just eighteen verses the author shows us the breadth of wisdom, how to discern scoffers and how to deal with those scoffers. From this Proverb, the hearer will be encouraged to choose wisdom over folly.
Do you want the playbook? We want to know what God does, wisdom is often mistaken as a pursuit of morality and finding what is right and wrong, but wisdom involves what we should do in all life’s situations.
Proverbs 8 shows us that gaining wisdom to apply to life’s events will lead to greater human flourishing, gaining relationship with the wisdom of God will lead to eternal flourishing of your entire being.
In this sermon on Proverbs 6:1-22 God gives us instruction on handling money, working hard, and living differently in light of our faith. This Proverb is a hopeful charge to push us all to pursuing wisdom.