In Proverbs 5, 6:23-35, and 7 the Father warns his son and all God's people against unfaithfulness to God and unfaithfulness within marriage.
In Proverbs 5, 6:23-35, and 7 the Father warns his son and all God's people against unfaithfulness to God and unfaithfulness within marriage.
Proverbs 4, shows the love of a father telling the next generation of God's people how to live well (4b), to be at peace (16), to not stumble and suffer because of foolish choices (19), to experience healing spiritually and mentally (22), to be focused (25), and to have stability throughout their lives (26). He says the key to living in this way is by growing in wisdom, because it is only through wisdom that we can navigate life well.
As we listen to the father's words, we will begin to understand our need for wisdom and determine to get it, and as we walk on this wise path that the father has established, his wisdom will be revealed in and through us.
In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus explains who is disciples are in him and what they will be like because of his work. Christ's disciples are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The question for true Christians is not necessarily what is the truth of Jesus, but what are we going to do with the truth of Jesus?
In 2 Peter 3, the Apostle doesn’t provide us with any new information to respond to, but, led by the Spirit of Truth, Peter is going to stir up our “sincere mind(s)” (3:1) by “remembering the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord,” (3:1-2) so that we may steady our thoughts and remember that what is happening is happening because God said so.
As Christians’ minds and wills are shaped by the Holy Spirit to reflect the righteousness of Christ, their lives will convey the righteousness of Christ. Unbelievers may respond to this righteous living with repentance and faith, but some may respond in anger and going out of their way to make Christians suffer.
Join us as we look to 1 Peter 4:1-11 and how the Apostle encourages us to think like Jesus and endure suffering righteously.