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Before Peter addresses honoring authority, work, marriage, and suffering faithfully as sojourners (in 1 Peter 2:11) Peter aims to bolster the faith of his readers on the living and abiding Word of God.


Join us as Hector expounds on Peter's letter revealing that our spiritual growth, our worship, our confidence, and our identification is all based on God’s continued work.

After his initial section in Chapter 1, Peter gives us three requirements in order to stay steady in holy living, fearing God, and loving one another well. Join us as Jerrod expounds on these requirements from 1 Peter 1:13-25.

This sermon from Jerrod Rumley marks the beginning of Shadowbrook Church's fall 2024 series "Steady Sojourners" - a study in 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude. Preaching from 1 Peter 1:1-12 and 5:12-14, we will gain a better overall understanding of Peter's epistle and what we will be learning from Peter's first epistle.

A sermon by Brad Miller that introduces us to the sermon series "What We Believe," and that emphasizes Scripture as God's revealed Word and therefore the basis and final authority on what we believe (theology).