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In this sermon, Jim Kramer preaches from Psalm 88 to communicate God's faithful presence and therefore hope in our suffering.

Throughout our Advent Series (The Light) we have learned that Jesus is the Light that has come to us, that his message is the light in our darkness, that his light in us makes us the light of the world, and on this final sermon, we will look forward to eternity with Jesus our Eternal Light.

In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus explains who is disciples are in him and what they will be like because of his work. Christ's disciples are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The question for true Christians is not necessarily what is the truth of Jesus, but what are we going to do with the truth of Jesus?

Our hearts are darker than any black night and human attempts to change our hearts have been proven and will continue to be proven futile. The grace of God comes through gospel proclamation from God's Word. When the Holy Spirit and the word of God come together, the light of the gospel message will penetrate our dark hearts.


In 1 John, the apostle declares the truth about Jesus, his Word, our sinful hearts, and the faithful work of the Spirit.

Our hearts are darker than any black night and human attempts to change our hearts have been proven and will continue to be proven futile. The grace of God comes through gospel proclamation from God's Word. When the Holy Spirit and the word of God come together, the light of the gospel message will penetrate our dark hearts. In 1 John, the apostle declares the truth about Jesus, his Word, our sinful hearts, and the faithful work of the Spirit.